

undefined...约 903 字大约 3 分钟





  1. 尝试在你准备提问的论坛的旧文章中搜索答案。
  2. 尝试上网搜索以找到答案。
  3. 尝试阅读手册以找到答案。
  4. 尝试阅读常见问题文件(FAQ)以找到答案。
  5. 尝试自己检查或试验以找到答案。
  6. 向你身边的强者朋友打听以找到答案。
  7. 如果你是程序开发者,请尝试阅读源代码以找到答案。


你所提出的每一个问题都是人工回复的,我很乐意解决你提出的问题,请你提问时注意你的言辞 ,我没有任何义务回复你的任何问题



  • "key 是什么?"(赞助用户除外)
  • "这个怎么弄?",并附截图类似:

  • 不提供截图的或者报错内容的
  • 一些系统正常现象


  • CSDN 评论和私信
  • 爱发电私信


你可以先看看 文档 里面有没有你需要的。如果没有,可以向我们提出。



Instructions for asking questions

Due to time reasons, it is impossible to read on every platform, and the priority of handling questions decreases from top to bottom.

Please be sure to read the following before asking questions, and if you still need to ask, please browse the feedback channels below.

Before you start asking technical questions via email, newsgroups, or chat rooms, please do the following:

  1. Try searching for answers in old posts in the forum you're about to ask.
  2. Try searching online to find the answer.
  3. Try reading the manual to find out.
  4. Try reading the Frequently Asked Questions document (FAQ) to find the answer.
  5. Try to check or experiment for yourself to find out.
  6. Ask your strong friends to find out.
  7. If you are a program developer, try reading the source code to find out.

Special Notice

Every question you ask is answered manually, I am happy to solve your questions, please pay attention to your words when you ask questions, I have no obligation to answer any of your questions

refuse to answer

Refuse to answer the following types of questions, including but not limited to

  • "What is the key?" (except for sponsored users)
  • "How to do this?", with screenshots similar to:

  • Do not provide screenshots or error content
  • Some system normal phenomena

Do not accept feedback through the following channels

Still have to ask

You can check Documents first to see if there is anything you need. If not, you can ask us.

Language Requirements

Please ask me questions in Chinese or English. Other ways of asking questions will be rejected because community members cannot understand.

  1. 提交 Bug 反馈:https://github.com/hestudio-community/issues/issuesopen in new window

  2. 请在浏览全部文档后,如果没有你需要的内容,请通过 heStudio Talking 直接反馈

  3. 如果你的问题不方便公开,请向 hestudio@hestudio.net 发送电子邮件反馈。

  4. 闲聊或者咨询其他问题,请加 QQ 群:806312062open in new window

  5. For international users, please report your problems to me at hestudio@hestudio.net.


